Why someone stole the tee-pee cover.
I took this at the home of my mother's friends. They said they used to cover it with sheets in the summer and their grandchildren would sleep in it.
I drove my mother up to her friends' house today, and got some nice photos out of the excursion. These people lost their house in the 2003 Cedar Fire, and you can still see the effects on the landscape. The best photo spots unfortunately were in places where there was no spot to pull off the road.
Received this one yesterday:
"Marilyn - You Have a Secret Admirer in Spring Valley (this isn't junk mail) This message has been sent to you by a Secret Admirer! No Joke: Your Secret Admirer is a real person, maybe a friend or colleague, who knows your email address. Is the feeling mutual? To find out if the person who sent you this message is someone you like Go Here. Good Luck!"
The problem? It says that my "admirer" is a real person who knows my email address. This was sent to the address I only use to register on web sites, and nobody that actually knows me would also know that address.
I didn't click on the link.
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