Friday, July 6, 2012

Back Pain Sucks!

I never had back problems until someone somehow tricked me into carrying a TV while walking backwards and managed to shove it into me so that my back twisted.  That said, I think that I'll have to convince my tall friends to schedule our Friday get togethers at places that have comfortable chairs.  Those stupid wooden chairs with no butt cushions and no real back support seriously suck.  I'm sitting here with my heated flax seed pillow, contemplating drugs. 

Would it be too "little old lady" to bring my own lumbar cushion to a bar?

1 comment:

'Mela said...

Ah, no, it would not.

As someone who has had herniated disk;
lumbar L5-S1 trouble, I know exactly what it means to not be able to sit on anything else than the right type of cushion...

Start practicing back yoga, there are some good dvds by Rodney Yee:

Try pool walking, to build up your back muscles, and look into acupuncture, it works!

Good luck, Marilyn!