I did my weekly grocery shopping today, and when I was done it was apparent that there were way too many people waiting to cough up their money (except for the W-I-C freeloaders, but more about them later) and too few (like one) check stands open, so I hung back a bit trying to sort out where the end of the line was. It was far away, past too many cranky looking people, and pointing in the opposite direction from the other check stands. Meaning, when the clerks finally pulled their heads out and opened additional stands the end of the line would not be strategically placed to get into a new line. So I just stayed where I was and sure enough rather quickly they opened a stand pretty much right in front of where I was standing. There was a young girl (early teens I would guess) in front of me who politely waited for the people who had been in front of the other line to go first, and then got in line behind them. Well, until this big, rude bitch (who was busy sending text messages on her phone) loudly announced that THIS line was for people coming from the OTHER line and physically pushed her way in front. The girl (her mother had gone to grab that one last thing) wisely let her in. No sense getting into an altercation with a well balanced (a chip on both shoulders) bitch. Just as the BLB (big, loud bitch) was putting her stuff on the belt they opened another line, and the polite young lady and her mother were first in that new line. I followed them because of the three lines one had a couple buying stuff with W-I-C coupons and one had two people with lots of stuff.
I try to avoid lines with W-I-C people. Every item has to be rung up as a separate transaction, and the price written on the coupon. Not to mention that the coupons are very specific, and the morons who have children that they can't afford to feed also seem to be unable to read, and they never get the right things so the line is held up while someone goes to the back of the store and gets the right kind of milk, and cheese, and juice and p-nut butter for them (one at a time, of course).
This is the karma part. The line that the BLB was in was the one with all the problems. The girl, her mother and I got a good laugh out of the fact that we were all rung up and done and on our way out of the store, and the BLB was still waiting for the person in front of her to finish arguing about the price of oranges.
Moral of the story-don't push to be first in line. Rudeness doesn't pay.
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